Friday, 4 October 2013

Take the shortcut!

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!"

Ever been in that place where you try a shortcut? Maybe its to a friends house or a family members home? Maybe it starts as a way of escaping traffic? Maybe just an adventure? Whatever it is I'm pretty sure that all of us, sometime, have tried to take a shortcut to try and get to a destination.

Yesterday morning I was running early for work. So rather than just sit around and wait about I thought I would try a shortcut that had been recommended. Normally I don't really have time to try new routes in case I get lost and turn up late, but yesterday morning I had time so I thought I would try this shortcut that had been advised. there was something quite exciting about trying a new route before. It was like a mini adventure. A great way to start the day.

As I left in my car, I put in the destination into my satnav and let the map direct my way. I had a rough idea of the way up to a point, then it would be all over to the satnav.

First hurdle - traffic. The new route took me a way that meant I ended up sat in 10 minutes worth of traffic. Usually I'm well on the way to work with no traffic problems. But this route took me to a junction on a busy road which meant that there was tailback traffic. Great! What a fantastic start to this "shortcut". Oh well once I got through this traffic, the route would be clear and I would be there in no time, or so I thought.

Next problem - fog! As if it wasn't hard enough trying to navigate the unknown roads I was travelling on, now there was fog too. I couldn't see signs, I couldn't see cars, I couldn't really see the road. This shortcut was starting to turn out to be a disaster.

Then - single lane roads. Not only had this route taken me away from the busy dual carriageway with nice wide roads, but now I was down to single track roads which were barely wide enough for one car, let alone the lorries, tractors and vans that were eagerly making their way towards me. And it doesn't stop there.

Next - sheep. Everywhere. Sheep and sheer drops. This new route took me over a mountain track. Luckily the fog was down and I couldn't see just how far the drops were, however neither could I see the sheep. This route was literally taking every ounce of my driving skill to navigate. That must all be over I hear you ask...nope!

After traffic, fog, single track lanes, dodging tractors and sheep and sheer drops, next I ended up missing my turning and getting completely lost in a village in the middle of nowhere. And to top it all off time was moving on and I was starting to become aware that I was going to be late. What a disaster!

This new route, this shortcut ended up being a disaster. I was never going to take that route again that was for sure. Or so I thought. You see, now that I roughly knew the route there was something inside me that wanted to try it again, this time with a bit of speed, just to see if it was, indeed, a shortcut.

So today, after work, I took the decision to come home using the new route again. And this time, what a difference!

The roads were clear, I could see for miles, no sheep, no fog and the views....stunning. I have never in all my life living in Wales seen views like it. The sky was blue and the sun was beaming down over the mountains and farmland. Amazing! The only danger now was that I would be so taken with the views and the surroundings that I'd end up off the road.

Although previously this new route was terrible and didn't really promise much (I really was ready to give up), now the route has become my favourite way to work and I don't think there are any other road journeys quite like it. It's Absolutely amazing! Plus it took 10 minutes off my normal travel time too! Result!

And so I got thinking.

I wonder how often in life we try something new and, when it doesn't work first time, we give up on it? Turn our back on it? It didn't work once so it can't work again!

Growing up I'm sure you heard this saying, as well as I did, "If at first you don't succeed try and try again." This was certainly the case for my journey today!

And so I end with this thought.

Life is full of opportunities to do something new, something for the first time. Yet very often, when we do something new or try something for the first time it never really goes to plan. Something happens that we weren't expecting, a hurdle, or even something happens that we were expecting but doesn't work out. Whatever it is, when we do something new and different ,very often the result is a bumpy ride down a single track!

But don't give up! The first time I tried the new route to work it was a disaster. Everything happened that I hoped wouldn't happen. But after giving it a second try, it has completely changed the way I look and feel about the route.

Whatever new or different things are going on in life, don't give up at the first sight of fog, don't be distracted by sheep, don't get knocked down by things not going quite right. But keep trying, keep being determined not to give up. Eventually you will get there, and the views will be absolutely fantastic!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


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