Wednesday, 2 October 2013

From the Old to the New!

"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new"
- Albert Einstein!

There's something about new that we love. I don't know what it is but, certainly for me, there's nothing quite like getting something new, getting something for the first time. Whether it's a new phone, a new car, new clothes, whatever, new is just great!

Have you ever noticed that when you ask people for their favourite smells they always relate to something new? Smell of new babies, smell of new car, or the feeling of new sheets, new clothes. There's just something we love about new.

About 3 years ago, I was luck enough to have a brand new car. Granted, I'm still paying for it, but I will never forget the day I bought it. Waiting for it to arrive. Thinking about how much life would be better with this car in my life (or at least the garage made me think that!). It was something I had never had before. A brand new, never before driven car. And it was mine.

As I strolled into the garage to pick it up I remember glancing across the showroom and picking it out straightaway. It was sky blue with an ice white roof and all the extras thrown in (a DS3 if you wanted to know!). It was so shiny and new. It was truly beautiful. And when I opened the door....the car. There's nothing quite like it.

I remember in the past buying car fresheners that claimed to be new car smell but it never quite matched up to the real deal! More like cheap aftershave if you ask me. The smell of newness, the look of newness. It was amazing. And what was better, it was mine. This car, I was determined, would look the same 30 years down the line as it did at that moment. Or so I thought.

Now the car doesn't smell so new, and I'm pretty sure I have most of the sand from the sahara desert all over it, not to mention McDonalds wrappers in the back. It's funny how quickly those things which are new and that are in our focus, all of a sudden change.

I guess it's the same when you get anything new. It becomes the focus of your attention for a time. Every moment, every thought, spent looking after it or using it. Maybe a new TV, a new gadget, new clothes. When something is new we just can't get enough of it. And yet after a short time we soon move on and find something else. New things only last until the next new thing. But would we always want to keep things new? Unused?

My car, although it was beautiful (and still is), it was not bought to simply park on my drive. It was bought to be used. We buy the new things because we have a need for them. What good would it be to buy a new top but never wear it? Or a new TV and never watch it. There's always a purpose for the new.

So, why this blog?

Last night I told you about my new Youtube Channel that is released today. A new channel that hopefully won't just be something to put on the shelf, but a channel with videos that people will enjoy watching. It's not just new for the sake of being new, but just like the car there is a purpose behind the videos. The aim of the channel is to inspire and entertain people with true life stories and challenges!

It's an insight to my crazy world and will hopefully bring another dimension to this blog.

I hope you enjoy the NEW and make sure you use it. It's a bit of fun for everyone!

So sit back, click in, and I hope you enjoy Life, Laugh, Lense!

Thanks Musers, blog you tomorrow!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


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