"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”
What do you think of when you hear the word "addict"? I guarantee I can guess exactly what you just thought of as you read that - a dirty, down and out person addicted to drugs/ alcohol. Maybe in the gutter? Injecting? Looking pale, worn out?
Hmmm... me too. But have you ever stopped to think "What makes something an addiction?"
Quite simply it's something in your life that you've come to rely on so much that you can't get rid of it, and more often than not they are not good for us.
Life is full of addictions that maybe you don't realise are even there. If we are not talking about alcoholics or drug addicts then what exactly are the addictions I'm talking about?
When you got up out of bed this morning, or even before you got out of bed, what did you do? Open the curtains? Step outside and take a fresh morning breath? NOPE! I know what you did! You more than likely checked your mobile for texts or even your iPad for emails. - Technoaddict
And as you left your house? Was the last thought that left your mind "I'm thankful I am alive and have a roof over my head?" NOPE! Your thought was, 'Check my pockets, have I got my phone?" - Phoneaddict
And how many times did you check Twitter and Facebook today? Anything change your world? NOPE. You just get addicted to checking for updates and tweets, and for what? Nothing. I wonder if you counted up all the time you spent on Facebook how much of your life would have been wasted today on doing nothing? - FADDICT (Facebook addict)
So many things have crept into our lives that take our time and become addictions, and for what? Facebook and Twitter are social sites, for you to be social with people. If you're not being social with someone then what are you doing on there?
Just this week I made the decision to come off Facebook...I know, I know. I started sweating, having jitters and multiple withdrawals too, but I can safely say that life has continued. Hoorah! Im still alive and I've made it to the the other side! In fact I don't miss it at all. So much of my time was wasted flicking into Facebook and checking status updates. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! Now I'm Facebook free and proud of it!
And so I end with this thought.
What sorts of things have you come to rely on in life? Those things that have become addictions. Those things you think you can't live without when actually, you can!
Life is too short and too precious to waste on "addictions". It's time to start waking up and smelling the coffee. Kick the addiction and start realising that there's more to life than a little blue bird or a blue and white F. It's more than a text or an email. Life is about living, so do it!
Addictions will only last as long as you let them. Break the mould. Break the trend and start living life as it should be. The only addiction that should be in your life is an addiction to life! That's certainly something we couldn't do without.
So, let me ask you, what type of addict are you?
Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!