Monday, 11 November 2013

We're all addicts!

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”


What do you think of when you hear the word "addict"? I guarantee I can guess exactly what you just thought of as you read that - a dirty, down and out person addicted to drugs/ alcohol. Maybe in the gutter? Injecting? Looking pale, worn out?

Hmmm... me too. But have you ever stopped to think "What makes something an addiction?"

Quite simply it's something in your life that you've come to rely on so much that you can't get rid of it, and more often than not they are not good for us.

Life is full of addictions that maybe you don't realise are even there. If we are not talking about alcoholics or drug addicts then what exactly are the addictions I'm talking about?

When you got up out of bed this morning, or even before you got out of bed, what did you do? Open the curtains? Step outside and take a fresh morning breath? NOPE! I know what you did! You more than likely checked your mobile for texts or even your iPad for emails.  - Technoaddict

And as you left your house? Was the last thought that left your mind "I'm thankful I am alive and have a roof over my head?" NOPE! Your thought was, 'Check my pockets, have I got my phone?" - Phoneaddict

And how many times did you check Twitter and Facebook today? Anything change your world? NOPE. You just get addicted to checking for updates and tweets, and for what? Nothing. I wonder if you counted up all the time you spent on Facebook how much of your life would have been wasted today on doing nothing? - FADDICT (Facebook addict)

So many things have crept into our lives that take our time and become addictions, and for what? Facebook and Twitter are social sites, for you to be social with people. If you're not being social with someone then what are you doing on there?

Just this week I made the decision to come off Facebook...I know, I know. I started sweating, having jitters and multiple withdrawals too, but I can safely say that life has continued. Hoorah! Im still alive and I've made it to the the other side! In fact I don't miss it at all. So much of my time was wasted flicking into Facebook and checking status updates. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! Now I'm Facebook free and proud of it!

And so I end with this thought.

What sorts of things have you come to rely on in life? Those things that have become addictions. Those things you think you can't live without when actually, you can!

Life is too short and too precious to waste on "addictions". It's time to start waking up and smelling the coffee. Kick the addiction and start realising that there's more to life than a little blue bird or a blue and white F.  It's more than a text or an email. Life is about living, so do it!

Addictions will only last as long as you let them. Break the mould. Break the trend and start living life as it should be. The only addiction that should be in your life is an addiction to life! That's certainly something we couldn't do without.

So, let me ask you, what type of addict are you?

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Be a hero!!

2000 readers!!!!!!

Firstly I just want to say how awesome it is to have reacher 2000 readers of my blog. It's crazy to think that what started as just simple thoughts that I wrote down, have now been read by over 2000 people in countries all around the world. I don't know how it happened but its great! So thank you all!

Every year here in the UK, people take part in a fundraiser called "Children in Need." CIN is a charity that is setup to help those children who, all around the world, are in great need of the basic rights that so many of us enjoy. It's a great cause and you can read more about it here, as well as donate to this great cause.

Children in Need

Each year there is a particular theme that Children in Need use to promote their cause. This year the theme is heroes. A theme that is not only currently used with CIN but also with the Blood Service here in Wales.

I wonder what you think of when you think of a hero? Maybe someone who flies up skyscrapers or can swing between buildings? Heroes have come to be something of an imagined character but how would you feel if I said that YOU could be a hero? A Real life hero!!!

A few weeks back I blogged about my good friend Laura who is currently the face and voice of the blood service, as well as being my vlogging partner. If you haven't seen our blogs you can over on our YouTube Channel.

Currently our blood service here in Wales are looking for people to help out others and donate blood to become real life heroes! Not to be just a man with a cape or someone who can shoot web from their hands, but real life heroes! You never know when one small thing you do, can have a life changing effect on others.

Laura's story is going to be on the blog very shortly, but until then here is a taster of her story and how you too can become a hero today.

This blog is dedicated to all those real life heroes who already have made a difference in so many people's lives. This blog is for all of you heroes out there!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

What's your point?

"Life is always at some turning point"
- Irwin Edman

So it's the first Wednesday blog back for a while (If you want to know where the video blog has gone, go back a few blogs! All back Saturday!)

It's a funny old day Wednesday. Smack bang in the middle of the week. Its a day that marks a turning point in the week for many. A time when people's view changes from focussing on the working week ahead, to focussing on working towards the weekend. The big countdown! It just seems that the weekend is that much closer, once Wednesday has been and gone. Quite simply, Wednesday is a great turning point for everyone.

And it's not only in the days of week that we find those times that are turning points.

Maybe it's in a film where the turning point reveals a murderer? Maybe its in a book where the plot thickens and the turning point comes along? Maybe it's a more personal time in life, where you face your own turning point? Wherever you go in life you will always find a "Wednesday" moment - a turning point in life. And the thing is, we all have them! No matter who you are.

And so I end with this thought.

Throughout life there are times and moments where for a small part in time, or from one small event that occurs, we find ourselves at a turning point. A place where our outlook on life goes from one way to another. Sometimes this can be going from good to bad, and those turning points are not always the easiest to live through. However, for most of the time turning points are a sign of something good. A time which marks a change in life. From the mundane to something exciting, from the old to the new, from the bad to the good!

Life is filled with turning points.You may have even had a turning point today. A point of realising or seeing something in a way you never had before. Whatever it is you do, wherever it is you do it, try to find a "Wednesday" moment in your daily life. You never know when a turning point could just lead you in a totally different way!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Watch out for the bangers!

"Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay"
- Jiddu Kirishmurti

Well it's the time of year again....bonfire night! The old British tradition of blowing up rockets and burning giant figures shaped like pirates....perfect to celebrate the life of a criminal. Not sure of the story? Click here for more:

Story of Guy Fawkes & Bonfire night

I'm sure to people outside of the UK it seems strange to celebrate someone getting hung for trying to kill the King. And I guess the more you think about why we have bonfire night and celebrate Guy Fawkes, the more you realise what a strange event it is. But it's just what we brits do. It's a tradition. Something we've always done, so guess what....we're going to keep doing it. I'm certainly not one to change things or turn down exploding things, even if it's just done out of tradition!

The same can be said for lots of times in life. There are many where we do things just because its the way it's always been done. Traditions are traditions, and although at times traditions can be good things, like sending up fireworks and building massive fires, there can also be times where traditions are not necessarily such good things. Tradition isn't always good.

There's a saying that goes, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!"

So, what is tradition exactly? We might know the word, but what exactly does it mean? The dictionary defines 'tradition' as ;

"A time honoured practice or set of practices." 

In other words something or somethings that have always been done, and so continue to be done. Tradition.

I recently heard a story that highlights this concept perfectly. One of the key ingredients to a bonfire net celebration is a hot dog or two afterwards. Nothing beats a good old fashioned sausage in a bun! Now if you ask most people how to best cook a sausage, the majority of people would reply, "prick it with a fork and then cook it." Why? Because that was the tradition that was passed down. Truth is, you don't need to prick sausages anymore. For those of you who are interested in all things sausage related here's why.

Sausages used to contain a lot of water during the war times, as meat quality was very poor. If you heated up the sausages the steam would build up in the sausage and explode - hence the term 'bangers' which is often used for sausage. So pricking the sausage would prevent that and allow the steam out.

Nowadays though, the sausage meat is much higher in quality and therefore has less water. So it doesn't need pricking. But we do it anyway....why? TRADITION!

It's surprising how many things we do just because that's the way it's been passed down, and we just accept it.

And so I end with this thought.

What things are in your life that you have let creep in and become a routine in your life? Something you do out of tradition. When you sit and think there are probably lots of things you do, day in day out, and really you don't really know why you are still doing them. They've just become tradition - the done thing.

But life is too short and too important to waste on doing things out of tradition. If all we did is stick to tradition then we would soon get very bored in life.

In life, try to do new things, keeping life fresh and exciting. Sure there are times when traditions are good for us, but also there are times where doing something new is ten times better than doing the old.

Today, try something new, ditch the routines in life and change it up. You never know when trying something new might just bring you a new outlook on life!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Monday, 4 November 2013

Today you are old!!

"Experience is not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you"

So it's been a while since I blogged last. I really am slipping here! Apologies to all who are regular readers of the blog. Recently been away and not had chance to blog but now it's back to normal, usually blog service shall resume and the count down to Christmas can begin. All is right in the world!

Have you ever come across a tweet or a status that stands out from the rest? Something that maybe catches your eye that isn't the usually a twit pic of someone's evening meal or some random comment about the weekend's antics. Well today was one of those days. One of the moments that stops you in your tracks and makes you think.

As I was scrolling through my tweets catching up with the days events, I came across a tweet that said these words,

"Today is the oldest you've been, and the wisest you've ever been!"

Hmmm....pause and think. Cue thinking time. Good isn't it. And, what's best is that it's true. 

Today is the oldest you have ever been, and it's the wisest you've ever been. So what have you done today to show that? What have you done today or said today that shows your wisdom or your age? 

Life provides us with events that give us wisdom and knowledge that stay with us our whole lies. No matter what point in our lives we find ourselves now, there will always be things going on that prepare us for our future.

So how have you shown your wisdom today? Maybe you don't even realise how something you've done today, will impact you in the future. 

And so I end with this thought.

Life is filled with experiences that set us up for life, that give us a little bit more wisdom to carry with us as we continue to walk the path we call life. It's a bit like a suitcase, packing in all you need for your trip. Everything we do has a point, has a reason. Just like when you pack for a holiday. Everything you put in the case is put in for a reason. So too can be said for wisdom. Everything you go through in life, every experience, every challenge, packs in plenty of wisdom that goes along with you for the journey of life.

So, how's your suitcase looking? Have you packed what you need or just still preparing?

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Change of plan!

So as some of my readers will be aware, usually Wednesday is usually vlog day. A day when I take a break from the usual blog and provide you with something lighthearted and fun....just because I can!

I also used to publish a vlog on a Saturday but to be honest trying to edit and publish 2 videos a week was killing me! The things I do for my blog.

So the decision has been made that the vlog days will now only be on a Saturday. So you can start your weekend with something fun! That way I can still blog you with my normal blog throughout the week, with a little treat for the weekend!

For those of you who haven't been over to the vlog channel on YouTube, here's a little reminder of what to expect.

See you tomorrow musers!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

One Chance

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work"
- Thomas Edison

What's your passion in life? If your could do one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Today I went to see the new film "One Chance", the biopic about the life of Britain's got talent winner, Paul Potts. If you are not sure who Paul Potts is then here's a clip of his Audition on the talent show.

I've never really heard the story or read the biography of Paul Potts, only from what I had seen on the TV show but his story is fascinating. Ok, so some parts have been added in to the film to make good film watching material but the majority of the film is true to life and the story is amazing.

Paul goes through so many things that to most people, would simply stop us following our dreams, going for our goals. Bullying, missed opportunities, illness, depression, tumour, humiliation, heartache. I could go on but I'll let you watch the film instead to find out the details.

The thing is Paul Potts had a dream, he had ambition, he knew what his goal was and he wasn't going to let anything stop him from reaching it. When the audition for Britain's got talent appeared this truly was his one and only chance of making it....and good job he did. Today Paul Potts is a well known Opera singer in over 20 countries around the world, selling millions of records and even having a blockbuster film about his life! Not bad for someone who seemed to have every possible door of opportunity slammed shut in his face.

But that's just it. For many of us, when the door closes we give up. We turn around and go straight back home. We pack it all in because it didn't go to plan. Imagine if Paul Potts had given up after the first door was closed in his face, I'm sure it would have been a very different story. It certainly wouldn't have ended up on the big screen.

Paul Potts saw his one chance and never gave up chasing his dream. 

And so I end with this thought.

What is your dream? What is your goal in life? Had many doors slammed in your face? 

For most of us the answer is probably 'yes.' I've tried, I persisted but it just didn't work. I wonder what the outcome would be if more of us had the mindset that "No" isn't the answer we are willing to settle for. What about if "No" just isn't good enough? What are you willing to do to make your dream a reality? What barriers do you need to break to get to your goal?

Paul Potts defied advice, defied the odds, went against the opinions of professionals to reach his goal. Why? Because he was stupid? Because he was living in dream land? No, not at all. The reason why Paul Potts is where he is today is because he was passionate about Opera and knew that it was what he wanted to do in life. "No" just wasn't good enough. To him there were no barriers. What a mindset to have!

So, whatever your goal or dream, keep working at it. Don't give up at the first hurdle, the first slammed door, the first barrier you cross. Don't settle for "No". Instead keep on chipping away, carrying on, knocking the doors. You never know when someone just might open the door and give you your "One chance."

Bywyd sydd yn byw - Just living life!


Monday, 28 October 2013

We're all ordinary people!

"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well"
- Jim Rohn

Well congratulations to all those readers reading this in the UK. If you are reading this then you survived what was supposed to have been the worst storm in years. Unfortunately, the storm never really hit quite as we imagined.

We had be warned all weekend of this awful storm, St Jude, coming our way only to be hit by a couple of fallen trees and a few leaves clogging up the drains. Not exactly the sort of thing seen in the Wizard of Oz really, although that's what I was expecting this morning.

Truth is, the storm was nowhere near as bad as the media had built it up to be. I'm happy it didn't happen after all, however there's still that part of me that likes to think "What if?"

It's funny how often in life there comes those times when stories or events that happen to us, get completely blown out of proportion. Those Chinese whisper moments in life when something happens which is not very important, and yet with a bit of exaggeration it becomes the most life changing moment to ever happen.

I used to love playing Chinese whispers as a child. More often than not I would just make up what I had heard just to make the outcome that much funnier. Or even those moments in high school when there's a small bust up at dinner time and yet, with a bit of imagination and gossip around the school, by the end of the school day World War 2 had apparently taken place. There's something about us that's not happy with just ordinary. And that's not such a bad thing.

In life we could all find times to make life a little less ordinary. Ok, so it doesn't mean making things up or twisting the truth, but there are things we can all do to make our lives a little less ordinary and a bit more extraordinary. The storm wasn't anything as we had expected. It was just an ordinary storm that had been blown up. But how much more fun was the expectation of a monster storm coming? How many of us woke up this morning a little bit disappointed that there weren't cows in the garden and trees stopping us getting to work? I personally think the media blowing up the storm was great. It made life a little less ordinary.

Usually I end with a further thought on what I have been talking about. But I think this video from Virgin Atlantic is a much better way to sum up this blog. Their slogan is "Fly in the face of ordinary".

Whatever you have planned today, tomorrow or this week, remember: You can make life as extraordinary as you want!

So why not?

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Saturday, 26 October 2013

Vlogday Saturday!

Firstly, apologies for lack of blog...again. It seems that this week has just been a blur and I haven't stopped. But I am back on track, and the blogs are back to normal.

It's Saturday which means another Vlogday! This week we did 2 challeneges. Watch below to see what happened!

Have some great vlogs coming up so make sure you keep up to date with the blogs and share the video!

Have a great weekend and I will blog you all bright and early on Monday.

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Thursday, 24 October 2013

Belated Vlogday Wednesday

Firstly, apologies.

Usually Wednesday's are blog day. However, yesterday I got stuck in London and, can you believe, I missed my blog! First time ever. So apologies for that, but here's the video (a day late...not too bad!)

Anyway, here's the video and I shall blog you all tomorrow!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

It's all about willpower!!!

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."
- Colin Powell

Have you ever heard the saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way?" Those times in life when you have been so determined to do something that no matter what, you will find a way through?

I guess all of us have times when we face things that we want to do, that take all of our determination and effort to see it happen. Maybe it's something that at first you thought would be impossible to do, but now with a bit of effort you can be confident that you can do it. Maybe it's even an ambition you had a long time ago, and yet somehow it's never really left your thoughts. These are all times where the saying above can help to make a difference; "Where there's a will there's a way." And I guess that's what I want you to take from the blog today. There IS a way. In whatever you do. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it. You can achieve anything.

Everyone has ambitions.

In my career, the ultimate ambition is to eventually become the head of a school. It's the ultimate goal. But before I can get there, there are steps that have to be taken, and experiences that needs to be had, before I can get anywhere near. It's probably the same for many careers. There are expected steps that need to be taken, and there are also expected times when these are taken. Maybe you need to be in a company or place of work for a certain amount of time, or even be of a certain age before you can start to progress. Maybe your in a place where you think, "I'll never get there!"

For someone such as myself to even think I could be a head teacher any time soon would be crazy, but where there's a will there's a way. This year at the age of 24 I was given a place on the management team of my school. A manager at 24? It's not heard of, it's not the norm. But that's just it. I was determined to get there, and where there's a will there's a way. Nothing's impossible when you have determination and ambition to go for your dreams and goals! You never know when your big break could just be around the corner.

And so I end with this thought.

Everyone has goals and dreams. What makes them happen is how you go about making them happen. If you give up at the first hurdle you'll never get there. If you give up because it doesn't happen straight away, someone else will get what you've worked for. If it comes easy to you, it will probably leave easy too!

Determination is a trait that allows people to hang in there, to hold on to the end, to keep going at something until it happens. Mix that with ambition and anything is possible. If you want it to happen, and there's a will to do something, then there will always be a way to get what it is you want.

Where there's a will, there's a way!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Monday, 21 October 2013

Don't be better!

"Everyday is an opportunity to be a better person"
- Unknown

Today has been crazy. What a busy day.

I don't know what it is about people and rain but it just seems to make everyone crazy. It also, somehow, seems to multiply the number of cars on the roads!

Unfortunately I haven't got my usual blog tonight but I didn't want to let my readers down. So today is a picture blog. A picture that hopefully will inspire you to be better! And really a picture is all that is needed.


The full blog will be back tomorrow! Thanks musers.

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Saturday Vlog

Here's this weeks Saturday Vlog! Sorry it's late!

This week is another challenge blog that we like to call, "Celebrity Gingerbread!"

Don't forget you can catch up on all the Vlog's so far over on the Youtube channel.

Thanks Musers! blog you on Monday!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Friday, 18 October 2013

Can you feel the wind?

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination!"
- Jimmy Dean

I don't know what it's like with you, but today has been a really windy day here. I know, I know, another blog about the weather, but I can't help it. Today has been crazy. Trees blowing everywhere, signal going on the TV. You always know when the weather is bad because the TV just doesn't seem to want to work. In the words of the great writer Winnie the Pooh, It's definitely a blustery day!

As the wind was blowing about the place on my way home, it got me thinking. How strange is wind? And no, I don't mean that type of wind. I mean the wind that's strong enough to blow roofs off houses but is gentle enough to keep kites in the air; that thing that can rip apart homes, yet provide a gentle breeze on a hot day. Wind is strange. And what's even weirder is that you can't see it, or smell it, you can't even hold it, but you feel it around you and you know it's there.

This windy weather got me thinking.

Wind is really like family. For many of us family has so many different meanings. I don't think there is a straight forward meaning for family anymore. We have half families, extended families, distant families, adopted families. Family isn't just defined as people related to you. Family goes beyond just that, or so I like to think.

One of the definitions for the word "Family" is; "A group of related things". So if there are those around you who can relate to you in some way, be it close family, distant family, or even friends, then I guess they could sort of be considered family. Family are quite simply those who are closest to you, and they are just like wind!

You see wind isn't always visible, just like family. It's not always possible to be close to family members, it's not always easy to see them either. You can't hold family at all times, yet despite all of those things, just like the wind, you know that somewhere there are people who are thinking of you. You may not be able to see or feel them physically but just like the wind, you know they are there.

And so I end with this thought.

Sometimes in life we go through times when we need support around us, and very often the best support network are those people we consider to be family. Those that care for us, think of us, those that would do anything to make sure we're doing ok! Just knowing that they are part of our lives, makes us feel better straight away! It's just like the wind.

Although you may not directly see wind, you certainly see the effects of it. So to it can be said of family. Even though you may not always be near to them, even when some family and friends are a little distance away, just knowing that they were, are and will be in your life will have a real impact.

Sure, you might not see them directly, or be able to be with them at all times, but knowing they are there will certainly have an impact.

So how's your life today? Hopefully it's filled with lots of wind!!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Don't doubt it!

"When in doubt, don't!"
- Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever been in a situation where you picture something going one way in your head to find it turns out completely differently?

Maybe you have decided on a new paint for a room your decorating, in your head it looked good, but reality was it didn't look so good. Or maybe you you have planned an event, a bash. In your head it worked out perfectly yet in practice it didn't go quite as you thought. I guess that is one of the things that happens when you try something for the first time. Likewise sometimes we can think of things going badly because we have never done them before, but find out that actually it turned out better than we thought. This was exactly what happened to me today.

Today I had to speak at a conference which was attended by pupils from all the local Secondary schools. As someone who works with children and staff day in day out, talking in front of people is not a problem. In fact I thrive on it. But speaking in front of a room full of teenagers at the end of a long day, with pupils who were probably ready to go home, this presentation was going to be a bit of a challenge. In my head it was going to be a disaster. Somehow I would just have to get through it.

So the time came to present to the pupils. I won't go into the details about the disasters that happened before I even got to the conference, with parking tickets and nowhere to park. This was it. This was going to be a first for me.  I had never presented to a crowd of this size before and in my head I was going over every possible situation. But as I got up, loaded up the presentation and began to speak everything went smoothly. I couldn't believe it. I had their attention, they all listened and seemed interested in what was being said and responded well to the whole presentation. I had done something for the first time and it had gone well. Wow! Why am I so shocked? Why did I doubt myself?

It's always the same in life. When we try something for the first time we very often doubt that we are going to be able to do it, or something will go wrong, it won't go to plan. Very quickly we start looking at what might go wrong instead of focusing on what might go right. This was certainly the case today. Instead of it being a disaster as I had thought, it turned out to be a great success. Doing things for the first time doesn't always mean it's going to end in disaster.

And so I end with this thought.

Life is filled with moments and opportunities to do something new. To try something you never have before. Yet so many times we turn down these opportunities because we let doubts come in. We focus on that what ifs rather than just giving something a go. It's funny how doubt comes so easily, yet confidence takes so much longer to develop.

In life, make the most of every opportunity you have. Don't turn down things because you've never done them before. Don't doubt yourself. Life is filled with opportunities and times to do things for the first time so embrace them, be confident and go for it. In the words of Dr. Pepper, "What's the worst that can happen?" Yes there is a chance that something might not go to plan, but there's also a bigger chance that it will!

Today, try something new, live life on the edge and don't doubt yourself! You CAN do it!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Vlogday Wednesday!

So it's another Wednesday which means another new vlog!

This week we wanted to address some burning questions that many of you have! Unfortunately Laura can't make it this week. However, we have someone just as good!

Tonight we are privileged to have a special guest with us. Watch below to find out more!

Don't forget new vlogs every Wednesday and Saturday!

Make sure you catch up with previous vlogs over on the YouTube Channel.

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The cost of life!

"Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much!"
- Blaise Pascal

I don't know about you but it seems that nowadays more and more people are becoming obsessed with money, or lack of it as the case may be. We are a society that have become more and more concerned about prices and costs in life; probably more than any other in history. You only have to turn on the TV, or pick up a newspaper to be faced with an article about a crisis or issue regarding the subject of money.

Very recently in the UK there have been issues about the prices of gas and electric, in America there have been issues with the prices of a new bailout budget. Money is constantly around us. After all, money makes the world go round right?

As some of my readers will know, I very recently started a new role in work. As part of the new role, I am more involved with the accounts and budgets involved in my workplace. It's crazy to see where and how money is spent. Very often there are costs that you never really notice until you look for them. Maybe its repairs, purchases of parts or maintenance of equipment, whatever it is, there is a cost to everything; seen things or unseen things.

Think of it like this. You buy a new TV.... state of the art....3D....HD....all the extras. That's going to be a big cost but its going to be visible to all. When friends come around they will see it, you watch it everyday, it's something that's cost you but it's clear to see that you have spent some money. The cost is clear. However, along with the TV you also took out insurance on the TV, and although it might not be the same cost as the TV, it's still a cost. A cost that no-one sees.  It's a hidden cost.

I'm sure there are plenty of examples you can think of in your own life of examples where you've come across hidden costs. Maybe it was a loan with hidden costs, or maybe a purchase which came with hidden costs? Hidden costs are nothing new to many of us!

Today in work as I was discussing issues regarding money and costs, it was clear to see there are many things that we pay for in work that are not really seen. They are hidden costs. People see when you buy new computers or equipment, but buy a new cable or get something repaired and that's not quite so visible.

That's a bit like life.

We all go through things; through situations and experiences that very often are clear to see. When we're feeling happy everyone sees, when we're in a good mood and life is good, everyone sees. But life also has hidden costs.

And so I end with this thought.

Life isn't always a bed of roses. There will be those times when we go through good times, and hopefully this is the majority of the time. But there will also be times when we go through hard times, those situations that sometimes are difficult to deal with. We are all human and we all go through things and yet very often, we see the good things, the "big spends", and yet not always the "hidden things". Those times when we go through difficult situations or problems. It's very easy for things to become hidden costs in our lives. We don't show people how we're really feeling but that doesn't make it any less real to us.

Most of us today will probably be in a good place, and thats brilliant! It's the best way to be. But don't forget there may be those people around you who aren't having such an easy time. People who may have "hidden costs" going on in their life.

Whoever you bump into today, this week, whenever, just remember what we show on the outside can very often hide the hidden costs. Treat people with respect and with genuine interest. Maybe then there wouldn't be so many hidden costs going on in the world!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Monday, 14 October 2013

Surprise, surprise!!

"I've been around a long time, and life still has a whole lot of surprises for me!"
- Loretta Lynn


I wonder how you react to that word. To some people its a good thing; start of a new week, fresh start, but to most its probably with a groan! BOO!!! you! Maybe Monday should be renamed MOANday.

There's lots of things make us moan and groan. There's just something about us that loves a good vent. Whether its work, things at home, something someone has said, we can't help but love a good moan. But tonight, even though it's Monday, and usually a night of the week where work has completely finished me off, tonight I had a great end to the night; one I wasn't expecting to see.

As most of you who read my blogs will know, I recently started making videos with my good friend Laura. You may have even seen the videos on my blog page. Those of you who read regularly will know that Laura very recently overcame leukaemia and is now back on her feet with a second chance at life. Her story is amazing and we will be hopefully bring you that video story to our channel soon.

Back to my night...

Tonight while I was watching the news I was pleasantly surprised to hear the news channel presenting an item about blood and bone marrow donations. Laura had received a bone marrow transplant as part of her recovery and so it was great to hear the news covering this important topic. But the surprise didn't stop there!

As I looked up to watch the news item, Laura appeared on my screen! She was giving her story and performing as part of a choir that all had links with blood and marrow donations and transplants. WOW!

You can click here to watch the clip: Watch the clip here!

Monday wasn't a moanday anymore. What a fantastic way to end my Monday. I'm now like one of those people who look at Monday and think, "It's going to be a good week!" It's funny how one small thing can completely change your outlook and the way you feel.

And so I end with this thought.

Life is full of little surprises that are sent to help us on our way. Whether its a call from a friend, a text or even a news item on national tv, there are lots of things that come along our way that completely change our mood. Things that remind us there are people around us that make us feel better, and that really puts things into perspective. The question is, what little thing is on it's way to you, to help you out? Don't focus on what's going wrong today, but look at what's going right!

So, how was your MOANday?

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Saturday, 12 October 2013

Saturday Vlog!

So as always Wednesday's and Saturday's mean only one vlog!! If you missed any previous vlogs make sure you go watch them over on the Youtube channel.

Today's vlog is another challenge video that we like to call "Chubby Shakespeare!"

Take a look below and I will see all of you musers on Monday for another blog!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Friday, 11 October 2013

The life gym!

"The true secret of happiness lies in taking an interest in all the details of daily life."
- William Morris

So I've started back at the gym. Yes, me! It's been a while but I'm back in the swing of it. It took some time, and usually I find excuses to do everything else other than working out, but at the moment I'm enjoying it. I love the feeling of getting your blood pumping, and the feeling of being healthy after you come home. Great.

Whilst I was in the gym today, I heard a conversation that I found really funny. It's probably the sort of conversation you may have heard before. As I was changing in the changing rooms I over heard two older men, clearly friends, bumping into each other. As the man saw his friend he answered,

"How are you doing? What are you doing here, working out is it?"

Umm...well .... don't get me wrong, he could have just been leisurely strolling through the changing room but chances were he was, most probably, going to work out. It's what you usually do in the gym.

It did make me laugh. How often do our conversations with people actually make no sense at all. It's like we get into some sort of panic when someone catches us off guard. We end up reverting to plan B which usually makes no sense at all!

You see someone in Tesco, out comes "What are you doing? Shopping?"
You see someone at the Train Station, you ask "What are you doing here? Catching the train are you?"

All examples of things I have heard. I could go on.

It's funny how we react when we are caught off guard. It's like our brains go into default mode and the usual questions come out.

I wonder how many times in life someone has caught us off guard and we end up trying to think of things to ask or say, to look like we are interested? Asking the age old question, "How's things?" and having the answer, "Fine thanks." Imagine if someone actually answered you with, "I'm terrible at the moment, the cat died this morning."

Wow, that would be awkward! But that's just it. When people catch us off guard we don't want to end up in an awkward position. So what end's up happening... we end up bottling it all up, holding things in to ourselves. Ok, so maybe you are not going to pour your heart out in the middle of the high street or in the cheese aisle in the supermarket to an old friend, but maybe if people were a bit more open with each other we would have a far closer community.

Truth is very often we don't really take much of an interest in people, it's just a face value friendly expression. How much better would it be if people started to genuinely take interest in people?

And so I end with this thought.

In today's society life is filled with people who are going through tough times, as well as good times. So often when we bump into people or ask people how they are, we don't really have the time to stand there and hear what's really going on. We're kind of hoping that they will simply reply with "Fine thanks" and move on. But maybe their not fine, maybe not everything is great. You never know, the very fact that you have asked might just be an opportunity for that person to get something off their chest. You could be the answer someone has been waiting for.

Life is filled with people who are looking for help, people who will take an interest in them, a genuine interest. If we all took a bit more time to spend with people, what a different place the world would be. How about spending less time with facebook, and more time with face.

So the next time you bump into someone in Tesco, or the gym, think!  Take a genuine interest in people and in what's going on. Ok, so maybe they won't pour their life story out to you, but if you take a genuine interest  in someone you never know just what a difference you might make!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Need I say more?

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks, will accomplish nothing in life"
- Muhammad Ali

For those of you who read my blogs, you will know that normally in my blogs I try and link something from my day to a thought I may have had on life. You only have to read through my blogs to find this out for yourself.

Today I came across a saying that I felt I should share on here. I'm not going into detail, I'm not going to explain if further. This image simply sums up all I need to say for today. A Somewhat shorter blog than usual, but I'm going to take a risk.

Just remember life is too short to play safe all the time. Sometimes we have to take risks, do something new, try something fresh and eventually it will pay off!

So today's blog is a bit different, but here it is;

Don't play safe in life, trying to take control and hold on. But take a chance, take a risk; you never know what you might find!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Vlog day Wednesday!

Hi guys,

So it's Wednesday again which means a brand new vlog for you to enjoy from "Life, Laugh, Lense".

This week me and Laura take on a playdough pictionary challenge. Watch below to find out what happens.

Don't forget there is also a bonus video over on our YouTube channel. This week the bonus video is called "Chubby Shakespeare". Head over to our Youtube Channel to find out more!

Click here to go to the Youtube Channel

Thanks Guys,

Bywyd Sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Just think positive!

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you'll start having positive results"
-Willie Nelson

Ever hear something that makes you say "What?!?" Those moments when people pass a comment or say something that makes you think, "Are they actually thinking before they speak?"

Today in Wales, our Government outlined how they would be spending their budget over the next year. I was fortunate enough to be at the Government building today while this big announcement was going on. It was fascinating to see all the members debating and questioning what it was they were hearing, voicing their opinions. A great day all round for anyone. Even if you're not really 100% sure about politics it is still a fascinating place to be.

On my way home in the car it was interesting to hear how the presenters on the News program were interpreting what had been going on. I had just been watching for myself the events taking place an hour earlier and now I was listening to them taking place again on the radio. It was like some sort of deja vu taking place. As the radio panel were making their comments on the budget, one of the members made a comment that made me have a "What?!?" moment.

The panel were busy discussing the sorts of issues that are going on in the economy and society etc., one of which was health. The member said this,

"The problem is that people are living longer."

People living longer? Great! I thought that was a good thing. People are living longer, we have better lifestyles so we are living to an older age, that's surely a good thing? I wonder how many times toasts have been made in the past wishing people a full and prosperous life? They must be working.

Its funny to think that something which should be a good thing, is being viewed as a problem. It was a moment where I thought to myself, "What!?!" You could think of it as saying,

"The problem is people are actually alive and are actually surviving."

I'm pretty sure if people were dying at a young age then that would certainly be a problem. But people living longer lives? That can only be a good thing. It's funny how something positive, like people living longer, can be viewed as something negative, a problem.

I'm sure it's not the only time in life when something positive has been viewed as something negative, when something that was thought of as a good thing has been interpreted as a bad thing. Those times when we think we are doing something to help but maybe made something worse. We've all had times, I'm sure, when we tried to do the right thing, try do something that we think is a positive thing and yet the outcome hasn't been quite what we expected.

And so I end with this thought.

So often in life there are times when we try to help people, or try to do the right thing for others and maybe the outcome isn't as we expected. Those times where something that should be intended as a good thing has been taken as something negative. Maybe you have given your opinion on something or stood up for something you believed in. They can all be things that are positive, that you think to be right, and yet it can so easily be interpreted as something 'negative'.

Some people will always find the negative in whatever is done. People are living longer, which is what people have tried to achieve for years, and yet now that we are there it is beginning to be a problem. Does that mean that we try and stop it? Does it mean we start encouraging people to live unhealthy lives to stop people living longer? No. This is a good thing, even if it does bring with it some challenges.

Whatever we do in life there will always be those challenges we have to overcome. But does that mean we just stop what we're doing? Give in to others? Do the opposite to what we beleive is right? No.

In life, stay true to yourself, do that which you believe in, do what you know is right, and if people have a problem with that, ignore it. There will always be those that see things as a negative, even when really there is nothing negative at all.

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Monday, 7 October 2013

What's the problem?

"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines"

As you have probably gathered, one of my favourite things to quote in my blogs are sayings that I have picked up along the way. Whether it's sayings I heard as a child, or quotes that I have heard in my everyday life, everyone has sayings that have stuck with them.

Today I was reminded of a saying that seems to be popping up everywhere I go at the moment - "A problem shared is a problem halved."

In my line of work there are different skills that can help to make the job a lot easier. From ICT skills to communication skills, there are different ways that the job can be made easier. But, unless you are superman, there's no way you can possess all the skills needed.

Nobody has it all, but working as part of a team means that there is always someone who has a particular strength that can be drawn upon. That's what makes a good team; being able to draw on the strengths of those who have them. It's not only within my field of work that this works. Wherever it is you find yourself in life, there will always be those people around you who will have strengths and skills that can help you out.

This morning, as part of my role in work, I took part in a meeting to evaluate a new program to be used in schools. As the morning went on it was clear to see that the room was full of people who brought with them lots of experiences and skills in a range of areas. As we sat listening to the presenter, it was clear to see that people across the room had something to say regarding different elements. No one person could have challenged all the aspects being shown, but having a team of people together with different strengths and knowledge meant we could really get down to the nitty gritty. On my own I couldn't do it, but together we could really challenge what we were being shown.

Not only that but we started to see that, amongst all of us, we could create our own versions of what we were being shown. All we needed to do was bring our heads together and share out the task. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved.

But it's not just in work situations that sharing things out can help us.

And so I end with this thought.

Life is full of times where we face things that we can't deal with on our own. There are times where we simply have to share the problem we are facing. In essence that's what the saying "A problem shared is a problem halved" is talking about. But it doesn't just mean the hard problems your facing.

There are many times in life where we just simply have to ask for help when we struggle - even with the small things. When we are not sure about something or unsure of what to do, very often we try to sort it out ourselves rather than to ask for help.

Whatever it is you are facing in life, whatever the problem you are facing, big or small, know that there are people who are simply waiting for you to share it. Never be afraid to ask for help!

There's not one person who can do everything themselves, but sharing those things you are facing is certainly the first step!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Vlog - Which superhero are you?

Those of you who read my blog's regularly will know that this week I started a vlog channel with my very good friend Laura. If you haven't seen it already then make sure you do!

Every Saturday I will be posting our latest vlog here on the blog!

This week's blog is based on a Supehero quiz. Find out how we got on below!

Blog returns Monday! 

Have a great weekend musers!

Bywyd sydd yn byw - Just living life!


Friday, 4 October 2013

Take the shortcut!

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!"

Ever been in that place where you try a shortcut? Maybe its to a friends house or a family members home? Maybe it starts as a way of escaping traffic? Maybe just an adventure? Whatever it is I'm pretty sure that all of us, sometime, have tried to take a shortcut to try and get to a destination.

Yesterday morning I was running early for work. So rather than just sit around and wait about I thought I would try a shortcut that had been recommended. Normally I don't really have time to try new routes in case I get lost and turn up late, but yesterday morning I had time so I thought I would try this shortcut that had been advised. there was something quite exciting about trying a new route before. It was like a mini adventure. A great way to start the day.

As I left in my car, I put in the destination into my satnav and let the map direct my way. I had a rough idea of the way up to a point, then it would be all over to the satnav.

First hurdle - traffic. The new route took me a way that meant I ended up sat in 10 minutes worth of traffic. Usually I'm well on the way to work with no traffic problems. But this route took me to a junction on a busy road which meant that there was tailback traffic. Great! What a fantastic start to this "shortcut". Oh well once I got through this traffic, the route would be clear and I would be there in no time, or so I thought.

Next problem - fog! As if it wasn't hard enough trying to navigate the unknown roads I was travelling on, now there was fog too. I couldn't see signs, I couldn't see cars, I couldn't really see the road. This shortcut was starting to turn out to be a disaster.

Then - single lane roads. Not only had this route taken me away from the busy dual carriageway with nice wide roads, but now I was down to single track roads which were barely wide enough for one car, let alone the lorries, tractors and vans that were eagerly making their way towards me. And it doesn't stop there.

Next - sheep. Everywhere. Sheep and sheer drops. This new route took me over a mountain track. Luckily the fog was down and I couldn't see just how far the drops were, however neither could I see the sheep. This route was literally taking every ounce of my driving skill to navigate. That must all be over I hear you ask...nope!

After traffic, fog, single track lanes, dodging tractors and sheep and sheer drops, next I ended up missing my turning and getting completely lost in a village in the middle of nowhere. And to top it all off time was moving on and I was starting to become aware that I was going to be late. What a disaster!

This new route, this shortcut ended up being a disaster. I was never going to take that route again that was for sure. Or so I thought. You see, now that I roughly knew the route there was something inside me that wanted to try it again, this time with a bit of speed, just to see if it was, indeed, a shortcut.

So today, after work, I took the decision to come home using the new route again. And this time, what a difference!

The roads were clear, I could see for miles, no sheep, no fog and the views....stunning. I have never in all my life living in Wales seen views like it. The sky was blue and the sun was beaming down over the mountains and farmland. Amazing! The only danger now was that I would be so taken with the views and the surroundings that I'd end up off the road.

Although previously this new route was terrible and didn't really promise much (I really was ready to give up), now the route has become my favourite way to work and I don't think there are any other road journeys quite like it. It's Absolutely amazing! Plus it took 10 minutes off my normal travel time too! Result!

And so I got thinking.

I wonder how often in life we try something new and, when it doesn't work first time, we give up on it? Turn our back on it? It didn't work once so it can't work again!

Growing up I'm sure you heard this saying, as well as I did, "If at first you don't succeed try and try again." This was certainly the case for my journey today!

And so I end with this thought.

Life is full of opportunities to do something new, something for the first time. Yet very often, when we do something new or try something for the first time it never really goes to plan. Something happens that we weren't expecting, a hurdle, or even something happens that we were expecting but doesn't work out. Whatever it is, when we do something new and different ,very often the result is a bumpy ride down a single track!

But don't give up! The first time I tried the new route to work it was a disaster. Everything happened that I hoped wouldn't happen. But after giving it a second try, it has completely changed the way I look and feel about the route.

Whatever new or different things are going on in life, don't give up at the first sight of fog, don't be distracted by sheep, don't get knocked down by things not going quite right. But keep trying, keep being determined not to give up. Eventually you will get there, and the views will be absolutely fantastic!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Thursday, 3 October 2013

1 shade of grey...everywhere!

"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. "

Grey. The only word to describe the weather at the moment is grey. It seems that so far this week, it has simply been grey outside. Nothing else but dull, grey and boring. Blurgh!

I  seem to talk a lot about weather in my blogs, but it's just something that's always there, and I guess that it's something that everyone knows about. Good topic for a blog then! It's funny how much of an impact the weather has on us. When I wake up in the morning and the sun is out, I feel completely different to when I wake up and it's cloudy, rainy and cold. Anyone else? When I wake up to those sorts of mornings I just want to turn back over and get back to sleep. Just like today!

Weather affects us more than we realise.

But why? What do we really mean by "weather," that thing that is just there? It's not something we can hold, it's not something we can directly see. We don't see temperature, we don't see humidity. But I suppose we do feel it and we do see aspects parts of it, the rain, the sun etc. Weather really isn't something we necessarily see but it's something we certainly feel.

In fact, Doctors have come to find that there is a name for people who are affected by the weather. It's called SAD; Seasonal Affective Disorder. So it's not just me then. Ok, so maybe I don't really have SAD, but it just shows how much of an impact something, which isn't really there, can affect us.

The weather being grey isn't exactly harming me. It's not something I feel, it's not something I can touch, and yet it can still affect the way I and others feel.

I wonder how often in life we go through times, through situations, where we let things affect us that are caused by things that are not really there? Things we can't see or feel, things that don't physically harm us, yet they are things that can directly affects us. We stress and worry about things that are not there. Events that are in the future, things we presume might happen, worries about the what ifs in life. We let a whole load of different things affect us, and very often they are things that are not even there. More often than not they are things that we have ended up putting into our heads, and now spend our time stressing about.

And so I end with this thought.

Grey weather is bad. I hate it. Its dull, its boring, quite simply it's grey. And yet, if it was sunny all the time I would probably, eventually, blog about how I hate the sun being out all the time. Truth is the grey dull weather helps me to better appreciate the good weather.

Life is just like that. Although we go through times where we stress and worry about things that are not really there, like grey weather, those moments are very real to us and help us to better appreciate everything else we have in life. The bad, grey times in our lives help us to better appreciate the good, bright times.

As I drove home form work tonight, I saw a small patch of blue sky directly above me. Just seeing the blue sky amongst the grey was enough to completely change my mood. The grey was finally shifting! It was the glimpse of knowing that the grey wasn't going to last forever.

Whatever you are going through in life just remember the grey won't last forever. Look hard enough and you'll see the blue sky above you, a glimpse that the grey is almost over!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

From the Old to the New!

"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new"
- Albert Einstein!

There's something about new that we love. I don't know what it is but, certainly for me, there's nothing quite like getting something new, getting something for the first time. Whether it's a new phone, a new car, new clothes, whatever, new is just great!

Have you ever noticed that when you ask people for their favourite smells they always relate to something new? Smell of new babies, smell of new car, or the feeling of new sheets, new clothes. There's just something we love about new.

About 3 years ago, I was luck enough to have a brand new car. Granted, I'm still paying for it, but I will never forget the day I bought it. Waiting for it to arrive. Thinking about how much life would be better with this car in my life (or at least the garage made me think that!). It was something I had never had before. A brand new, never before driven car. And it was mine.

As I strolled into the garage to pick it up I remember glancing across the showroom and picking it out straightaway. It was sky blue with an ice white roof and all the extras thrown in (a DS3 if you wanted to know!). It was so shiny and new. It was truly beautiful. And when I opened the door....the car. There's nothing quite like it.

I remember in the past buying car fresheners that claimed to be new car smell but it never quite matched up to the real deal! More like cheap aftershave if you ask me. The smell of newness, the look of newness. It was amazing. And what was better, it was mine. This car, I was determined, would look the same 30 years down the line as it did at that moment. Or so I thought.

Now the car doesn't smell so new, and I'm pretty sure I have most of the sand from the sahara desert all over it, not to mention McDonalds wrappers in the back. It's funny how quickly those things which are new and that are in our focus, all of a sudden change.

I guess it's the same when you get anything new. It becomes the focus of your attention for a time. Every moment, every thought, spent looking after it or using it. Maybe a new TV, a new gadget, new clothes. When something is new we just can't get enough of it. And yet after a short time we soon move on and find something else. New things only last until the next new thing. But would we always want to keep things new? Unused?

My car, although it was beautiful (and still is), it was not bought to simply park on my drive. It was bought to be used. We buy the new things because we have a need for them. What good would it be to buy a new top but never wear it? Or a new TV and never watch it. There's always a purpose for the new.

So, why this blog?

Last night I told you about my new Youtube Channel that is released today. A new channel that hopefully won't just be something to put on the shelf, but a channel with videos that people will enjoy watching. It's not just new for the sake of being new, but just like the car there is a purpose behind the videos. The aim of the channel is to inspire and entertain people with true life stories and challenges!

It's an insight to my crazy world and will hopefully bring another dimension to this blog.

I hope you enjoy the NEW and make sure you use it. It's a bit of fun for everyone!

So sit back, click in, and I hope you enjoy Life, Laugh, Lense!

Thanks Musers, blog you tomorrow!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1 day to go...

So for my 1000th reader I told you all that there would be a surprise coming your way. And I keep to my word. But hang in there for one more day!

As I said in previous blogs, because of the blog doing so well (which it continues to do, so thank you all!), I wanted to take the blog and develop it further. There was one clear way of doing something that would bring a new twist to the blog. But before then a bit of background behind this new venture!

A few weeks back I wrote a blog called "Have you got the X Factor?" As part of the blog I mentioned one of my closest friend, Laura, having recently come through a very serious illness.  I will hopefully give you more on that soon. You can read the blog to find out more.

Growing up we would do lots of crazy things. We were always together. If there was anything crazy going on, you could bet that we would be somewhere in the centre of it. We were simply like two peas in a pod. There is no-one I get on better with and no-one else who quite understands my humour quite like she does.  But even with all the crazy things we did, there was always something we wanted to do, TV! From a young age we were always making films and home video shows and having kicked leukaemia's butt, it seemed the right time for Laura and myself to finally do something about it.

Now, it's not quite BBC or ITV, but I'm pleased to announce that tomorrow night myself and Laura will be launching a new YouTube channel so that the world can share in the craziness and insights into life. The Vlog (video blog in case your wondering!) channel will be filled with clips that will hopefully give you an insight into life, clips that will bring you plenty of laughing moments and all down the lense for you to enjoy. It's like another dimension to this blog. This blog will still continue daily but our weekly blog will take place every Wednesday. The link will be here fo ryou to keep up with the latest episode.

I know that vlogs are already something that exist out there in YouTube land but hopefully we can bring a twist to the usual Vlogs that are already out there, and bring a bit of weekly entertainment for everyone to enjoy.

The channel name and address will be released in tomorrow's blog. I'm really excited about it and I'm sure you will all enjoy the new weekly Vlog. It's going to be great!

1 day to go, and all will be revealed! You are all part of this journey and it's worth the wait!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Monday, 30 September 2013

Flamingos know it all!

"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been"
- Mark Twain

When we were younger, me and my sisters would very often go to a local wildlife park, not so far from where we lived. It wasn't a massive place, nor could it really be considered a zoo. But it did have a range of animals that weren't exactly natural to the environment. There were lamas, monkeys, camels and the largest number of flamingos I have ever seen. Not exactly London zoo, but it made for a good day out.

So why this thought of wildlife parks?

Well, today's blog isn't really about wildlife parks, but about flamingos! Those silly, crazy, pink birds that seemed to be the inspiration for a plastic hit in the 80's!

As I was driving on the way to work today, there was a news item on the radio about flamingos. Not exactly the most exciting topic in the world, but it got me thinking none the less. Scientists have been carrying out research into the lifestyle of flamingos and have found some new information about these birds that they didn't know before. Here's what they found;

"Research into the social interaction of flamingo flocks has suggested that the oldest and pinkest flamingos are the most popular and therefore the key individuals in a flock."

Read more here...

WOW! Hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I heard this. The oldest and pinkest flamingos are the most popular. That's what I've been missing. Give me a few more years and a couple of pink outfits and I'm in.

Imagine that's how life worked today? The older and pinker you are the more popular you are! Sunburnt pensioners would be right in there if that was the case. Maybe life should be a bit more like this? 

Ok, maybe not about people being pink, but what about those older people in our society? Maybe the older members in your street or family? 

Scientists found that when the older flamingos started doing things, like building nests etc, the younger flamingos would soon follow their example. I wonder how different society would be if we took a little bit more advice and example from those older people around us who, very often, have been through a lot more that we have. People who survived the war, people who worked in hard times, so much advice and knowledge of life and yet, so often we forget about the experience that older people bring with them.

And so I end with this thought.

All of us go through things in life. It's the reason I write this blog. But how often do we turn to those older than us for advice? When we go through difficult times or situations where we are unsure of what to do, how often do we ask advice form those who have more experience of life than us.

So often in society people cast off older people, like they've reached their sell by date. But from my experience, the life stories and life experiences that the older people I know bring with them go far beyond anything anyone else can offer me. They have been there, they've done it, they even have the medals and uniforms to prove it.

Today, don't simply cast off people because of age. Remember, with age comes wisdom and there are plenty of people around you who bring with them advice and experiences that may just help you out of your situation.

Maybe those flamingos aren't such silly birds after all!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Deal or no deal?

"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you"
- Lao Tzu

So it's Saturday night, or at least it is here in the UK, and that can only mean one thing...Saturday night game shows! I know there are lots of readers of my blog who are not from the UK, and maybe Saturday night game shows are not so familiar to you. But I have no doubt wherever you are in the world game shows are no strange thing you.

Over the years there have been so many different game shows, but still to this day one of my all time favourites has to be 'Deal or no Deal'. What a show! It's so successful that I think it's been produced in every country around the world. I remember a holiday once in Spain and remember seeing a Spanish version being broadcast on TV. It's such a good game show. Luckily for me it's simple. There's no real skill or mental challenge needed to win the game, just simple pot luck. Pick a numbered box, and hope that the amount of money inside is not a high amount. If you are not sure of the program here's a link to a clip for your viewing pleasure!;

As I sat watching TV this morning there were repeat episodes being played, one of which I had seen before. It was of a woman who had reached the final round with two money options left; either she would win 1p or £250,000. Quite a difference! As the tension built up the phone rang. Mr Banker. (If you haven't seen the show, there is a secret banker who tries to offer contestants different amounts of money to stop them playing the game further.)

So the phone rings and the banker makes an offer. £75,000. WOW! That's an offer. If someone offered me £75,000 I would in no way turn it down. But how could the player take £75,000 when she could have £250,000?!?! What would you do in that situation? Take the £75,000 or risk it all for the chance of £250,000? Tricky decision!

Watching this this afternoon reminded me of of a saying my dad used to say to me that has always stuck with me, and has helped me out of a few tricky situations. The saying is one that many people know and it goes;

"A bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush"

Ok, so as a child this saying meant absolutely nothing, but as I grew up this saying made complete sense. When there's something you do have, why risk it for something what you could have?  If you have a bird in your hand, that bird is yours. That's worth far more than trying to go after two birds in the bush which could, very easily, fly off leaving you with nothing!

So back to the program. As I watched, shouting "Deal" at the screen, it was clear to see that this player was definitely going after 2 in the bush and she turned the deal down. This was it. 1p or £250,000? As you can probably guess, she ended up with 1p. Her two birds flew off!

This got me thinking about life.

Have you ever been in the position where you have made a decision and very quickly afterwards  something else has comes along that you would have preferred? Maybe you've made plans with someone and then you get an invite to another event. Too late you've made your plan. Or you accept a job offer and another comes your way?  There are loads of examples I could go into in life, where we've got a "bird" in our hand, but those 2 in the bush look really appealing! Where we've decided on one thing but something else comes along which on the outside looks so much better.

And so I end with this thought.

In the world there are so many people who are willing to drop everything for something better. Very often it's not about what I can do for others, it's about what others can do for me. I'm certainly guilty of doing that in the past. We live in a world where people are simply eager to drop everything when those 2 little birds come hopping past. But why?

So often the things we have, the relationships we've got, the possessions we own are more than enough for us. We have all we need and yet we are never satisfied. People are always looking for the next big thing to come along, looking at how they can trade in and upgrade. From simple things, like upgrading to the iPhone 5S because the iPhone 5 wasn't good enough, to bigger things like finding ways to move up the ladder in work. We are always trying to go after other things rather than being happy where we are.

Am I saying we shouldn't be ambitious? No. Am I saying we shouldn't strive to be better? Absolutely not. So what am I saying?

Life is full of amazing things. Things that sometimes we fail to appreciate. Things that are ours and that we have in our hand. Yet many times we can be swayed, distracted, by the opportunity to "upgrade" for new things we could have! All to soon we leave everything else, and everyone else behind.

Life is about more than simply upgrading and getting bigger and better. It's more than just going after the 2 birds in the bush. Yes, strive to be better, yes look to improve your life but appreciate and be content with what you already have first. It's certainly a lot more than many in this world have got. I love life and everything it comes with and I'm certainly not going after anything else while I have this one! As you read this blog, learn to appreciate everything you have. There are a lot of people in a far worse place than you, with no bird at all! I wonder how many people would say "deal" to you if you offered them your life?

Chances are...a lot!

Bywyd sydd yn byw! - Just living life!


(p.s. People have been asking about the 1000th surprise. It did take a bit longer to sort out, as I didn't expect 1000 readers so soon, but should be ready by Tuesday/Wednesday at the latest. Will explain in my blogs! Thank you Musers!)